Trekking, Vehicular
Culture, Place of worship
Starting point: Piazza Immacolata – Arbus
It is an easy walk itinerary through the historic centre of Arbus and it leads to the discover of the main interesting, artistic points of the village. The first stage is Saint Sebastian’s church located on the top of the square Piazza Immacolata whose first information about its building appeared in the XVI century, but the church has got more ancient origins. The building has got a structure that does not follow any particular style because it was built, widened and refurbished in different periods.
Next to the church, in the square, there is a building of great historic interest: the Grain Bank. It was bought by the municipality of Arbus in 1989 and refurbished becoming a hall for meeting and exhibitions.
At about few minute walk you reach the Sardinian knife museum (Via Roma 15), a precious testimony of the handicraft and artistic local activity. The museum, that has got four rooms, shows the Sardinina blades and the history of the cutlery through the Master’ works, Paolo Pusceddu.
Near the Knife Museum (Via Giardini,1) it is possible to visit Antonio Corda’s Ethnographic Museum which gathers and hands on the cultural property of the peasant society. Inside, many objects, tools and furniture are gathered in the rooms that rebuild the local tradition in the respect of the Sardinian style.
Our plunge in the history and the culture of Arbus ends in the near archaeological site of San Lussorio, discovered in 2009 during the refurbishing works of the same square.