Address: piazza Immacolata - 09031 Arbus (VS)
This building, located in Arbus on the Church Square (Piazza Immacolata), is in the centre of the village and it is very important from the historic point of view.
Montegranaticos were banks of the wheat founded to store and to lend wheat to farmers who were obliged to give it back after the harvest. In Italy, they were founded at the end of 140 and in Sardinia they date back to 1624 during the Spanish colonization when the Sardinian Parliament asked to the king to found these banks for fighting the usury. In some cases, the rate of interest was over 20%. Ales Diocese was the first in fighting against usury thanks to the Bishop Michele Beltran. Next to Montegranatico, Monti Nummari (Banks) were also founded to lend money and help farmers in buying tools or animals for the work in the fields.
In 1927 these “Banks” were turned into Desk of Agrarian Credit and the loan went on until the end of 60s. In 1953 it became Banco di Sardegna and in 1989 the building was bought the Municipality, restored and used in different occasions.