Logo ArbusTurismo - Portale turistico del Comune di Arbus


In Arbus the great tradition of making handmade knifes and artistic potteries is still alive. These handicrafts objects, linked to the past lifeand habits are the testimony of the country and rural civilization that has now nearly disappeared, are appreciated by the collectors and used to furnish houses. Together with the traditional production also a new one has developed and many are the little factories that create ceramic objects or make knives.


The art of earthenware has got very ancient origins in Sardinia: prehistoric archaeological finds prove that in this period earthenware tools were produced. Nowadays, production techniques are still the same but the tools have become object for making houses beautiful.


Sardinia is a land of metals and knives. In particular, in Arbus the ancient handicraft art of making jack-knives is still alive and they are called “arresojas” in Sardinian language.