This Site of Community Importance is made of two humid zones: Corru S’Ittiri, in front of the sea and Marceddi and San Giovanni pools, perpendicular to the coast.
San Giovanni pool is far from the sea and the rivers Mogoro and Mannu that flow there make its water sweeter than other pools. Marceddi’s pool is directly linked to the sea. The site is made up of lake, marsh and semi-harid regions.
In the lake zone the main vegetation is the “ruppia” a type of aquatic plant while in deeper water is the Zoostera and Posidonia Oceanica. Instead, in the semi- harid regions there are different types of vegetation depending on the salinity of the land, while in the near areas the vegetation is mostly made up of shrubs.
Behind the dune of the sandy zone that enclose “Su Corru s’Ittiri “pool it is important the development of the Spartins versicolor, a perennial plant that make the zone more charming with its colours.
The site, that is 5712 hectares wide, has been included in the Ramsar Convention.