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The direction palace of Ingurtosu

 Address: località Ingurtosu - 09031 Arbus (VS)

The Palace, also known as “The Castle”, was built on the north-eastern part of Ingurtosu on the way for Montevecchio. Its big arch over the road is like a symbol of the entrance to the mining village.

The building, built in 1870 under a German engineer’s management, Hoffmann, has the characteristics of North-European tradition. It has got many floors where there were the administrative and technical offices of the mine depending on the social hierarchy: downstairs  the office workers, upstairs the Director and the vice-director’s offices (third floor), finally, on the fourth floor, the Director’s family.

The dominant position of the Castle was the symbol of the Directors’ power of control upon the workers and mining works. The building, in neo-gothic style with double lancet windows, is very austere and it subdues the surrounding area and the poorer miners’ houses simply built.