Address: Strada Provinciale 66, località Ingurtosu - 09031 Arbus (VS)
It is in the village of Ingurtosu and it was commissioned and partially financed by Lord Brassey, the owner of the mines ,with the purpose of creating a more liveable, social and moral environment for miners.
The construction building started in 1914 and even though a slowing down during the first World War , it was dedicated to the miners’ Patron Saint and inaugurated on 21st May 1916.
It is in a central position in the village and it has three short naves, a circular raised apse and a slender bell tower on the left where there is also a little sacristy.
The external front is in local granite while the interior walls are plastered and decorated with simple geometrical drawings. The ceiling is divided in nine spans, each one is decorated and the floor is made of slab of Carrara white marble and Bardiglio black marble diagonal put.
Outside the impressive Way of the Cross, realized in 1956 thanks to the Ingurtosu inhabitants wills, which starts from the church and through a path within the Mediterranean scrub, it arrives until the rock upon which the three crosses of the Calvary stands.