Address: via Centro (piazza Cantina), località Ingurtosu - 09031 Arbus (VS)
Phone number:
+39 3396939435 | +39 3281540281
Facebook Page
The Centre,which works in the territory of Arbus, has got various branches: in the ex staff canteen of Ingurtosu and in the stope of the shaft Pozzo Gal, in the ex Office of Geology of Montevecchio.
It started its activity in 2003 in Montevecchio in the ex Office of Geology and its first activity was the Environment Education project for schools “Life Natura ’97 – Dune di Piscinas –Monte Arcuentu”.
Then, thanks to the SIQUAS project “ Sardinia Quality System”, it has received the official accreditation by the Assessorato all’Ambiente of Regione Sardegna.
The purpose of the Ingurtosu Ceas is to work in favour of a society based on an equilibrate relationship of men with nature, as an echo compatible model based on the right use of natural and human resources for the environment and consumers protection, for the preservation of flora and fauna, historic and cultural properties, the territory and landscape.
The Ceas organizes many didactic and environment education activities for schools, families and groups: education and information, laboratories, awareness campaign for the environment defensibility: guide through direct experience in the environment etc.
With the help of Zampa Verde Association it manages the Museums of the Territory (Minerals Museum, Castoldi Collection, Minerary History Dioramas, the Library of the Nature, “Entomological Exhibition”), the tourist information points in Montevecchio and Ingurtosu, the mining sites (Pozzo Gal and Pozzo Amsicora shafts), it plans excursions, exhibitions and other events concerned with nature.